We will remain confident in the Lord's direction for our lives....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just tired.......

I love this picture - one minute Jaydon was playing his little heart out and the next, I found him propped over on the chair asleep.

We do the same thing.  We go, go, go and the next thing we know we are surprised with exhaustion.  Just accomplishing the every day tasks of life will wear you out.  BUT, in today's world we are worn by so much more - the economy, wars and rumors of wars, death, disease, heartache, broken marriages, ect.  The list could go on and on and if you don't deal with all the issues, I am sure you are affected by a handful.

I was at my Bible study yesterday and Beth Moore spoke on Isaiah 40:31.  It says -

"but those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

I love this verse.  I claim it as my own.  However, I think I got a fresh revelation about it and want to share.  Beth went on to say that too often we are waiting for circumstances to change, an event to take place, a "thing" to happen, a person to do "such-and-such."    We get tired in the waiting game and end up feeling more exhausted in this life.  That is because we care called to WAIT ON THE LORD not the before mentioned list.  If we can wrap our head and hearts around that then we will no longer feel exhausted by life and its circumstances, but energized because we are waiting on the Lord.  If we wait in His presence then He will give us wings to fly, the ability to run, and the grace to walk in HIM. 

 I just wanted to share.  I hope this blesses you and you have a fresh revelation of God's Word.  If not, thanks for listening to my ramblings.  

"For the revelation awaits an appointed time, it speaks of the end and will not prove false.  Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."  Habakkuk 2:3

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Long Weekend with Granddad and Grammy

My parents came into town last weekend.  It was great having them here.  Every morning since they lest Jaydon wakes up and inquires about Grammy, her house, and something about an airplane.  Last night he saw a puppy on tv and said something to the effect of "Grammy, Granddad, Puppy - hold me."  We all know if they were here holding would not be Jaydon's desires.  He is a big ham.

Anyways, we didn't do too much the first couple of days.  Dylan had school on Friday and informed us that we could have no fun while he was gone - only drink hot chocolate, coffee and poop on the toilet like old people.  (Seriously - that is what he told us.)  Where does he come up with this stuff?  So we had no fun on Friday.  At least until he got home.  My parents watched the boys for us so Garth and I could go out - ALONE!!  We almost forgot what that was like.  We didn't even do anything that fun and exciting, except get out of the car in 2 seconds and back in about that quickly.  What a freeing feeling!!!  I know, it doesn't take that much for Garth and I.  We did go to dinner and got to sit at a table for 2.  How nice.

It rained the entire time they were here so we headed up to Big Bear to find some snow.  California is big on snow chains around here - GOT CHAINS???  No, but I have a 4x4 Expedition.  That is another story.  Big Bear was beautiful.  We stopped and had some yummy pizza and then found the boys a sled hill.  It is a place I was glad to see, but hope to have the chance to go back and explore some more.  On the way home, we make a stop at Bass Pro Shop.  I think the boys enjoyed that as much as Big Bear and the snow.

The rain hampered our activity, but we did make it down to La Jolla to see the seals.  It was cold and very windy, but the landscape was lovely and the seals were abundant.  It was well worth the drive for the crab cake sandwiches we had down in Point Loma.

It was fun having my parents here.  The boys had a great time playing with Puppy and Jaydon hi-yahed Granddad a few million times.  

We are looking forward to their visit again in March, hopefully accompanied by my sis and bro-in-law.

Death and Life

The end of January is a blur.  

January 29th we received a phone call letting us know Garth's grandmother had passed away.  We got him on a plane to Albuquerque to be with his mom and family during the tough time.  He stayed the weekend helping in the ways he could, and he also got to see his Dad for a bit.  We got him back Sunday, February 1st.  He was then right back into some intense, long training days at Camp Pendleton.

January 30th was a milestone in our lives - our big 10 year anniversary.  We did it!!!  I don't know why it feels like such an accomplishment, but it does.  Anyone who knows us at all, knows that it hasn't been the most wonderful wedded bliss. We have certainly had our fair share of trials, but it has also been so much fun.  Best of all I got to share some of the neatest experiences with my best friend.  I am so thankful we have each other and have been blessed with our two wonderful boys.  I am looking forward to where the Lord's path carries us the next 10 years.  Buckle your seat belts.