I love this picture - one minute Jaydon was playing his little heart out and the next, I found him propped over on the chair asleep.
We do the same thing. We go, go, go and the next thing we know we are surprised with exhaustion. Just accomplishing the every day tasks of life will wear you out. BUT, in today's world we are worn by so much more - the economy, wars and rumors of wars, death, disease, heartache, broken marriages, ect. The list could go on and on and if you don't deal with all the issues, I am sure you are affected by a handful.
I was at my Bible study yesterday and Beth Moore spoke on Isaiah 40:31. It says -
"but those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
I love this verse. I claim it as my own. However, I think I got a fresh revelation about it and want to share. Beth went on to say that too often we are waiting for circumstances to change, an event to take place, a "thing" to happen, a person to do "such-and-such." We get tired in the waiting game and end up feeling more exhausted in this life. That is because we care called to WAIT ON THE LORD not the before mentioned list. If we can wrap our head and hearts around that then we will no longer feel exhausted by life and its circumstances, but energized because we are waiting on the Lord. If we wait in His presence then He will give us wings to fly, the ability to run, and the grace to walk in HIM.
I just wanted to share. I hope this blesses you and you have a fresh revelation of God's Word. If not, thanks for listening to my ramblings.
"For the revelation awaits an appointed time, it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay." Habakkuk 2:3