I just haven't been in the blogging mode lately. BUT, I do feel the need to update you on some of the Aldrich happenings. So here it goes.......
We officially have a 2nd grader on our hands. Dylan finished up his 1st grade year mid-June. Grammy and Granddad came for a visit to help celebrate that weekend. We enjoyed their stay as always and are looking forward to seeing them again soon. During their stay Dylan had a flag football game, we visited a car show in Escondido, and made a trip up to Palomar Mountain. Thanks for the visit Mom and Dad.
Two weeks later we enjoyed a weekend visit with Grandma Sue. She treated the boys to some great new toys and video game and a couple of wonderful new sleeping bags to use when we go camping. We enjoyed some swimming at the neighborhood pool and time at La Jolla beach. We are so glad she took the time to come out to see us. We look forward to the next visit.

In the mean time, I have just been trying to keep Dylan busy. He has enjoyed a Bible School at the Methodist Church and one at our church. He also enjoyed three days of Art Camp at Painted Earth. I haven't seen his creations yet. I think I get to pick them up tomorrow. This week he has been involved in multi-sport camp. He attends from 8:30am-10:30am. The kids have played baseball, dodgeball, kickball, flag football, basketball, and volleyball. He has really had a blast participating. He finishes up the camp on Friday and then starts flag-football camp on Monday. On top of all that, both Dylan and Jaydon are taking swim lessons once a week. Jaydon can now put his head under water and is much more relaxed when he is on his back. Dylan is progressing nicely. He has already moved up from level 3 to level 4 and I was told that in a couple of weeks he will be moving on to level 5 where we will learn other strokes like the breast stroke. They both have a lot of fun are and improving all the time.
That gets you quickly caught up on our life. We are looking forward to celebrating Garth's birthday this weekend, camping next weekend, my birthday the end of the month and planning for a big 3 year old birthday in August for our little Star Wars Jedi.
The biggest news is that Nissy and Blake are having a BOY. Hooray for boys. We will be blessed to be an aunt and uncle to a little boy in November. We are so excited and they are very loved.
Well, I hope to be back sooner than later!!!