We will remain confident in the Lord's direction for our lives....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Send Off

Well, we did it.  We got this nasty, dreaded day behind us.  We are both so thankful to be counting down to Garth's return home now.

I'm sitting here in bed with red, swollen eyes.  I would love to go to sleep, but I am hoping for one last phone call from Garth.  So I figured I might as well recount the day a bit for memory sake.

Yesterday was emotionally rough.  We went to church, but were both ready to be home so we could relax in our own emotions.  We tried to make it a good day, but were both just too sad.  Garth said his goodbyes to the family over the phone and computer.  He threw the football and a played a heated "memory" game with Dylan and played Star Wars with Jaydon.  We were basically glad when the day was done.  Thankfully the Lord blessed us with a night of rest.

This morning, we woke up like any morning.  Jaydon made his way into our bedroom and I listened to Garth chat with the boys.  It was so sweet to hear them interacting together, yet so sad to know this was the last morning for awhile.

We took some last minute pictures and did our best to pray as a family.  Garth told Dylan goodbye and it was hard to watch.  These two have a very special and close relationship.  They hugged each other tight and cried on each other's shoulders.  They ended with high fives and I took Dylan to school.  Jaydon and I went with him down to the base.  It was a tormenting ride.  Many, many tears.  It finally came time for us to say goodbye.  He loved on Jaydon who doesn't fully understand what's going on.  Finally it was my turn.  As difficult as it was, we did it.  I didn't want to let him go, but I did.

We said the last "I love you"s and gave the last hugs and I got in the truck and left.  I still can't believe I left him there.

The feelings are still very raw.  He as called a few times and I fight back tears everytime I hear his voice.  I am crying as I type, but I know it will get easier as everyday passes.  We will miss him so, so much, but we are very proud of him.

Many people sent words of love and encouragement and we thank you all for your sweet thoughts and prayers for our family.
"Memory" Star Wars Style

Boys being GOOFY!

My boys

A proud Dylan with his Daddy

A sad Lynita with her handsome Hubby

Jaydon with his Daddy

A tough goodbye

Getting the gear out of the truck

Goodbye sweet boy!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Counting the Hours

It is getting late on this Saturday night.

Sunday is quickly approaching - even faster with the time change.

Thankfully we get to spend Sunday together as a family.  We are planning to go to church.  I find that only fitting and honoring to the Lord.

Lots and lots of emotions running through us all.

I am so ready for this "knot" in the pit of my stomach to disappear.  I feel like I am on the edge of a serious breakdown at any moment, but am fighting it back with all that is in me.  Sadly, there is nothing to prepare you for a "good-bye" of this nature.  So many unknowns.

That is all I have for now.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Just Keepin' it REAL

What is a "blog" good for if I doesn't show the true colors of someone and the life they lead.  

Well the following story is sadly very true....

Once upon a time, on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 to be exact, the day started like any other day.  Garth headed for work and the boys and I got ready to head to school.  Jaydon and I got Dylan delivered to school for his day.  We headed to the grocery store to get a couple of things and then returned home.  I worked out on my bike and Jaydon played with his toys and I'm sure squeezed in some Lego Star Wars action too.  We had lunch and then enjoyed a regular afternoon at home.  I could tell that Jaydon was getting a bit tired because he would curl up on the couch with his blanket.  

Are you still with me.  Hang in there.  You will be so glad you did.

There was no time for a nap because it was time to go get big brother.  We arrived at school and all seemed normal.  While waiting around Dylan's class for the bell to ring, Jaydon began running to this grassy area on the backside of the school.  I said "hey" to Dylan and went to round up Jaydon.  I told him it was time to go, but he informed me that he was waiting for a friend.  I explained that this friend was not here today and we needed to go to the car.  A couple of exchanges back and forth and he began to cry.  He told me he couldn't go to the car because he was crying.  I sat down with him for a couple of minutes explaining that he needed to stop crying and walk to the car.  He still didn't want to walk, so Dylan and I acted like we were walking away.  Jaydon didn't like us leaving but was still not budging and still crying LOUDLY, I might add.  

Okay, so this is where it gets fun.  I gave him one more opportunity to walk by himself.  He opted not.  So, I picked him up like a sack of potatoes with my one good arm.  Well, he began kicking, screaming, and crying.  I had to walk holding this crazy child from the back side of the school all the way to my car.  We passed many children and parents and teachers.  I just had to keep walking.  We finally made it to the crosswalk and I held his hand and basically dragged him across the street.  By this time, I am not only a crazy mom with an out of control child, I am a crying mom.  Somehow, I got him in the car, threw him in his carseat and got him buckled up.  We drove home and he is still at it.  Into the house and he is still at it.  I pull his pants down and spank and spank and spank his little bottom all the while trying not to loose total control.  Up to his room he goes.  I have to hold the door closed and am amazed at his strength.  By this time I am just praying.  I don't know what else to do.  I explain that he must calm down to come out.  He does a bit and I open the door.  I have him sit and explain how hurt, sad, embarrassed I am.  I have him tell me he is sorry, which he does only because he has to.  I then make him say "I will obey you mommy."  Well, not so much.  I have to shut him in his room again.  Finally he gives in and says it.  I head downstairs and he continues to yell at me to come back up.  I don't go back up and he finally makes his way down.  A few minutes more and he grabs his blanket and heads for the couch.  Next thing I know is that he is ASLEEP.

This is a text I sent to Garth during the ordeal:
I had to carry your son from the backside of school property kicking and screaming to the car.  I was embarrassed and in tears.  Shoved in the carseat and at home.  Many spankings, locked in his room and still at it after over 30 min.  Please pray for us.  Seriously!!!

That was how the Aldrich crew spent their afternoon.  I was emotionally and physically exhausted afterward and still feeling it today.  I felt so embarrassed and defeated.

However, there are some people who made the worst moments a tiny bit less horrible. 

 First, at school a good friend who had witnessed the entire ordeal tried to be as encouraging as possible.  "We've all been there.  All kids have their meltdowns. What can I do to help?"  Thanks Melissa.

Then as Jaydon was winding down from the fit, Garth called and let me cry and explain.  We talked through it and I'm thankful I don't have to parent totally alone.  Thanks so much honey.

Finally, not two minutes after the fun, my phone rang.  I almost didn't answer it because I was still winding down, but I really wanted to visit with this friend.  I answered and heard her voice.  I tried to keep things together, but when she asked about my day - well, you know the rest.  Sadly she got to hear my baggage, but still loved me through it.  Thanks for listening Heidi.

Thanks to my hubby and friends for loving me and not judging me while I was 


I felt the need to share this story because I never want another mom to feel like I did.  I felt like I was the only mom in the world to ever experience such nastiness.  I felt that every parent was watching and judging.  I desire others to know you aren't alone and someone has gone through the same things with their own children.  And if they haven't, they probably will.  

Well, I could use a break from this whole parenting thing, but that won't happen for many, many more years.  So, I will just continue on and try to do better next time.  

Hope your day was better than mine!!!  

Monday, March 1, 2010

This Month

March is here!!  

Now the talk around the Aldrich house is - 

"This month...."  or "In a couple of weeks....".

The big sendoff is quickly approaching.

We will miss these precious moments.

But will look forward to sharing them again soon.

Drag Races

The fun continues...

After we returned from our trip up the coast, my family arrived in town for a few days.  The highlight of the weekend for the "big" boys was getting to go to the drag races.

Now, to most this is not a big deal.  But for the LLOYD family this is "cool" stuff.  The Winter Nationals are held in Pomona, California in February every year.  This year was the 50th Anniversary of the race.  So after Dylan's football game the guys - Garth, Dylan, Dad and Blake - headed up to the races.

I think they all had a great day.

Dad got to share his love for the cars and the sport with his grandson and sons-in-law and the boys found a new interest.  The only downer was the the cars were SOOOO loud that Dylan didn't handle it too well, but Garth got him doubled up on ear protection and all was better.  It was so cute when they arrived home that evening.  They were all talking the races up and who won and wanted to find it on ESPN so that we could all watch it again.  Here are some pictures from their special day:

As a wife, mom, daughter, and sis-in-law to these special guys, it meant a lot to me that the guys enjoyed this day and it will always be a special memory for them.   I know they wish all the other LLOYD guys could have been there too!!!