We will remain confident in the Lord's direction for our lives....

Monday, August 31, 2009

Challenge #2 - What I'm reading...

Tomorrow is September 1st which begins my challenge to myself to read the Bible every day.  I have been praying about what to read and really haven't come to any wonderful conclusions.  I have had suggestions of doing something topical like read verses pertaining to the Holy Spirit or grace or love.  Other ideas include just pick a book of the Bible and start reading and doing a read the Bible in a year program.

I didn't feel a direction or nudging either way, so I am going for the yearly reading program.  I don't want to go buy a special Bible for this (I think we have too many at our house already that don't get read) so I am going to use Biblica.  It is an online resource that has the reading program lined out for you.  All you have to do is set the start date as September 1, 2009 and it will adjust the reading program for you.  I think you can also sign up to have an email sent to your computer ever day with what you are to read.  This makes it very accessible and leaves me no excuse to know what to read.

I will admit that there isn't much appealing to me about reading straight through the Bible.  Yes, I just said that.  I like devotional studies and Bible studies with people who help me understand and give me fresh insight.  So why am I doing this?  Well its simple really.  God calls us to hide His Word in our hearts.  We are to dig and find nuggets of wisdom from His Word.  He also calls us to be equipped like warriors ready fight the Good Fight of Faith.  This got me thinking about the soldiers who train and get ready for battle.  Most do not like the do drills over and over or sweat or feel pain just for practice.  But it is mandatory to do, otherwise when they go to battle they will fail for lack of preparation.  All the work behind the scenes pays off when it really matters.  

So, if this interests you at all join me in reading through the Bible this month.  I know the Lord will bless you for taking the time to read His Word.  He says His Word does not return void.  

Let me know if you are going to try to get in the Word a little every day.  I would love to pray for you and help encourage you.

Challenge #1 - 2 weeks down

How is everyone doing with the 30 Days Green Smoothie Challenge?

I am prepared to give an honest report of the last two weeks:

1.  Drink at least 16 oz. of green smoothie a day

I was doing so great until this past weekend.  I had one every day up to Saturday and Sunday.  I have missed two days so far of drinking a green smoothie.  I find the weekends are harder for me to stay on track.  I think it is because we get out of our everyday routine.  I also let my fridge get quite bare and I find it harder to make my smoothies if I don't have a well stocked fridge.

2.  Do some sort of activity for 15 minutes ever day.

Nailed this one so far.  It really helps that I walk Dylan to and from school, so if I get no other exercise the rest of the day I at least got that.  On the weekends I get a little walk in or ride my bike.

3.  Add a salad with lunch or dinner.

Once again, so good until the weekend.  I think I have had a salad at least once, sometimes twice a day up until this weekend.  Once again, out of routine and an empty fridge.  However, I can now manage a salad without ANY salad dressing.  :)

4.  Stop drinking pop.

I didn't drink soda in the first place.  Check!!!

5.  Cut out all white sugar.

I have failed here.  The first couple of weeks I was doing so good.  Then I watched the boys and a couple other cuties so Garth could go to a movie and he brought me back an iced mocha.  I gave in.  I am so weak I know.  Other than that I have managed to go to an ice cream social, birthday party, and MOPS meetings and say NO to all the yummy looking sugar-filled treats.

So there you have it.  Today is a new day and I have already downed my green smoothie for the day.  I am hoping to get to Costco today for bulk fruits and veggies.  I also need to find something to snack on to keep those sugar cravings at bay.

I hope you are having better success than me.  Stick with it and the benefits will so out-weight that delicious iced mocha you are craving - OR at least that is what they tell me.  :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Challenge #1 - Day 1

Yesterday was the first day of the "30 days of Green Smoothie" Challenge.  It is always a good feeling to get one day checked off.  I attained all the goals on Day 1 for the challenge.  

I walked Dylan to/from school and came home in the morning and made a green smoothie made of spinach, coconut oil, grapes and frozen pineapple.  I had a salad for lunch and spaghetti and salad for dinner.  I made Garth a smoothie after dinner and enjoyed his leftovers.

I didn't have any sodas or sugar.  

I find my hardest challenge so far is substituting green tea for a mocha.  I am addicted to caffe mochas.  I either get one at Starbucks or am spoiled and make one here at home with my espresso machine.  I miss it a lot.  Hopefully it will get easier as the days go on.

I hope you at least gave it a shot.  There are a lot of great resources out there to help.  Check out Happy Foody and read a few posts.  She gives info on recipes, books that are helpful and just tricks to help your body make the transition to healthier eating.  You can do it!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

First day of 2nd Grade

Dylan has started on a new adventure.  He began 2nd grade today.  He has been so excited this past week to get started mainly so he could wear his new clothes and really cool shoes.  

Sunday we attended a Back to School BBQ at the park with some friends.  It was such a neat time.  I think there were about 21 kids from 8 families.  Each child stated who their teacher is and what grade they are going into.  Then we prayed over our kids and their teachers.  What a neat way to kick things off, huh??? 

This morning I could tell Dylan was talking himself into the fun of going back.  He wasn't hungry for breakfast and his poor little nerves were really showing.  We headed for school and got to walk with a few of his friends.  We went by to wish his 1st grade teachers a great year and then found his class.  His teacher is Mr. Stansbury.  He is really excited to have a male teacher.  He found his seat and introduced himself.  I gave him a kiss goodbye and that was it.  I think he was holding it together pretty good.  Sadly none of his little buddies from 1st grade are in is class, but he does know about 4 kids already. 

 I have enjoyed my time without him today, but I am also ready for 3:20 to roll around so I can go get my boy.  I'm ready to hear about his day and make sure everything went well.  I'll keep you posted on his progress.  Hopefully this year's adjustment we be much smoother than last.

How about those shoes????  AND NERVES???

His first day went great.  No tears - YES!!!  He really enjoyed his teacher and being able to see all his little buddies.  He actually couldn't hardly wait to get back to school today.  He has also already started the after school activity of having friends over or going over to friend's houses.  Friend here yesterday, he goes to a friend's house today, and we already have plans for after school tomorrow.  He is back in his element.  Thanks for all your prayers.  The Lord heard and is faithful.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Is POTTY time!!!

Yep we are going there!!!  Wish us luck.

Trying, trying.......


Challenge #2

I'm full of it today, I know.

After talking with some family members, who will remain anonymous, I wanted to challenge myself to read the Bible at least once a day for a month.  So starting September 1st, I am going to try to set aside some time to get into the word for 30 days.  I hope by disciplining myself, I will just be able to continue.  I don't have any specific book I plan on reading or a devotional or bible study in mind or even an amount of time to read a day.  I'm just committing to read.  So, if this is something you struggle with and think a little challenge might help, then join me.  You have a couple of weeks to decide how you want to approach the reading.  If you decide to join, leave me a comment and let me know.  We can be accountability blog buddies.  I'll post throughout September and let you know how things are going.  If you are already on top of this area in your life, then I ask that you would pray for the rest of us and let us know what helps you get it done.  Okay, pray about it and let me know.  I'm excited!!!  Let's start digging....

Challenge #1

I'm going to start this challenge: 

We will begin on August 17 and end on September 17. Here is what you are committing to:

  • Drink at least 16 oz. of green smoothie per day (a quart would be even better!)
  • Do some sort of activity every day. This could be an intense workout, or just dancing with your kids around the living room. It could be a 15 minute yoga session or a walk around the block.
  • Add a green leafy salad to your lunch or supper (with light dressing…stay away from the creamier sauces).
  • Stop drinking pop.
  • Cut out all white sugar.
I follow this blog called Happy Foody and this is something she is challenging people with.  I already drink a green smoothie almost everyday and I don't drink soda.  I am going to concentrate on adding a salad once a day and avoiding white sugar.  It's only for one month.  Anyways, I'm on board!!  So, if you care to join me let me know.

We can do it.

And He's Three!!!

We have a three year old in the house!!

I can't believe three years have passed so quickly.  We are so blessed to have Jaydon in our lives.  He is a live wire.  He has many expressions - both good and bad.  He loves to drag out all the books and look through them.  He enjoys pulling all the puzzles out and putting them back together.  Superheroes anyone??  He is all things superhero.  He loves his Superman pjs and you can usually find him acting like Spiderman or Batman.  He is also a huge Star Wars fan.  He has watched all six movies - ALL six, many times.  He can tell you who the characters are and oftentimes gives you a weapon of some sort and challenges you to a duel.  He likes to roughhouse with Dylan and already knows what buttons to push to get him going.  That said, he misses his brother when he is at school and is Dylan's best supporter in all his activities - GO DYLAN!!  Jaydon is currently taking swim lessons once a week and throughly enjoys them.  We just started "potty training" - oh, the joy.  My favorite time of the day with him is at night before he goes to bed and we are having some down time.  I love holding his little body in my lap while he rubs his lips with his ratty, blue blanket.

We love this little boy and look forward to watching him grow.  We love you Jaydon!!!