We will remain confident in the Lord's direction for our lives....

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Anything but THAT!!!

And by THAT, I mean cleaning the house.

Cleaning is not my most favorite thing to do.  It never has been.  So, I am procrastinating.  It reminds me of being in college and knowing that I needed to study for a test or write a paper, but doing anything but sounded good.  Back then I would go run or get in the kitchen and bake.  Today I am blogging.  I already rode my bike this morning and I don't want to dirty up the kitchen baking (you know I'm supposed to be cleaning).  Besides, I bought like $20 worth of Girl Scout cookies this morning and that equates to 5 boxes of cookies.  Further solidifies the whole no-baking thing today.

SO here I am blogging.

The big boys - Garth and Dylan - headed down to San Diego this morning to attend the Supercross event.  The races don't begin until 7 p.m., but you could go down early and walk around the pits.  I hope they have a fabulous time together.  Dylan was so excited to go to the races and hang with his dad.  It is raining today, sadly, but the races go on anyways.  I sent the camera with Garth, so I will post pictures soon.

We are all trying to enjoy some husband/daddy time with Garth.  I think it has something to do with being in that "next-month" phase.  He leaves NEXT MONTH.  We have known since this summer he would be leaving, and here we are saying "next month".

Next month -

I will say good-bye to my husband.

The boys will say good-bye to their daddy.

But the upside is that we will finally be able to look forward to his return instead of dreading his departure.  YEA!!

Thanks for everyones kind words and prayers.  Each is treasured.

Okay, back to cleaning!  Yeah right.....  ;)

1 comment:

heidi said...

What a great post, Lynita! I love your outlook on your newest adventure.... looking forward to his return rather than dreading his departure.

Although, it can't be easy- and I am praying for you!