I'm sitting here in bed with red, swollen eyes. I would love to go to sleep, but I am hoping for one last phone call from Garth. So I figured I might as well recount the day a bit for memory sake.
Yesterday was emotionally rough. We went to church, but were both ready to be home so we could relax in our own emotions. We tried to make it a good day, but were both just too sad. Garth said his goodbyes to the family over the phone and computer. He threw the football and a played a heated "memory" game with Dylan and played Star Wars with Jaydon. We were basically glad when the day was done. Thankfully the Lord blessed us with a night of rest.
This morning, we woke up like any morning. Jaydon made his way into our bedroom and I listened to Garth chat with the boys. It was so sweet to hear them interacting together, yet so sad to know this was the last morning for awhile.
We took some last minute pictures and did our best to pray as a family. Garth told Dylan goodbye and it was hard to watch. These two have a very special and close relationship. They hugged each other tight and cried on each other's shoulders. They ended with high fives and I took Dylan to school. Jaydon and I went with him down to the base. It was a tormenting ride. Many, many tears. It finally came time for us to say goodbye. He loved on Jaydon who doesn't fully understand what's going on. Finally it was my turn. As difficult as it was, we did it. I didn't want to let him go, but I did.
We said the last "I love you"s and gave the last hugs and I got in the truck and left. I still can't believe I left him there.
The feelings are still very raw. He as called a few times and I fight back tears everytime I hear his voice. I am crying as I type, but I know it will get easier as everyday passes. We will miss him so, so much, but we are very proud of him.
Many people sent words of love and encouragement and we thank you all for your sweet thoughts and prayers for our family.
"Memory" Star Wars Style
Lynita I love how real you are. You can hear your raw emotions through this post and I can't imagine what you must be feeling. I am praying for you and your family. Many blessings during this time.
Well you shouldn't cry alone, so I'm shedding some tears for you as well! I'm thinking of each of you and praying for you.
Oh my gosh. I cried reading this. I am soooo glad Travis and I had the opportunity to "hook" you guys up so very many years ago. We both knew you two were made for each other!!! What a wonderful couple and family you guys are. I hope time goes by quickly for you and you make some wonderful memories along the way. I cant wait for you to be home in Texas? When do you come anyway? We love you guys.JN Oh one more thing...dont tell G but...he does look like a stud in uniform...heehee! We can write about these things in our own (book of bull.)
Our prayers are with you everyday until his return.
(this is Heidi's Mom)
Gods Blessing`
Wow-I had to wipe a way a tear looking at these pics. Miss you guys.
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