We will remain confident in the Lord's direction for our lives....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Challenge #2

I'm full of it today, I know.

After talking with some family members, who will remain anonymous, I wanted to challenge myself to read the Bible at least once a day for a month.  So starting September 1st, I am going to try to set aside some time to get into the word for 30 days.  I hope by disciplining myself, I will just be able to continue.  I don't have any specific book I plan on reading or a devotional or bible study in mind or even an amount of time to read a day.  I'm just committing to read.  So, if this is something you struggle with and think a little challenge might help, then join me.  You have a couple of weeks to decide how you want to approach the reading.  If you decide to join, leave me a comment and let me know.  We can be accountability blog buddies.  I'll post throughout September and let you know how things are going.  If you are already on top of this area in your life, then I ask that you would pray for the rest of us and let us know what helps you get it done.  Okay, pray about it and let me know.  I'm excited!!!  Let's start digging....


Lauren Lloyd said...

This is something I've really been wanting to do... but I have had trouble disciplining myself to do it. I guess I didn't know where to start either, so let me know where you are starting. I'd love to join you!

aldrich4one said...

Lauren -

I will let you know. Pray about it over the next couple of weeks and see if the Lord leads you in a specific direction. I'm doing the same. I'll let you know where I decide to start. I think this is going to be a good thing. How are things??? We missed seeing you in CO, maybe next year. Give SteFINE our love. :)

Lauren Lloyd said...

things are good... just work and school is about to start for Stefan and I. Umm.. we're trainig our new puppy, and that's about it. We missed you guys too! I really hope everything works out so we can all go to CO next year, that sounds like alot of fun!