We will remain confident in the Lord's direction for our lives....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rambling thoughts

Jaydon is having lunch.  A hotdog and some fruit (today is pineapple) constitute a yummy lunch for him lots of days.  Don't judge me too harshly.  He's enjoying it.  Besides why cook up a bunch of stuff when its just me and him at lunchtime?  Enough about that.

Today I actually got to drop Dylan off at school with NO tears.  Yep, none.  Yesterday was really tough.  He got himself so worked up that the school nurse called and said she had him in her office.  Are you kidding me???  Needless to say that is where he stayed until he calmed down and back to class he went.  His teacher Mrs. Moore had lunch with him (even shared her Reese's PB cup) and played on the playground with him.  She has to be a buddy for life now.  She sacrificed a Reese's.   So I'm sure those events of yesterday and lots of prayer from me and those who have known about the situation led to a calm morning.  Hopefully the rest of the day followed suit and he can have a great 2nd week of 1st grade.

We walk to school every morning.  I really enjoy it.  When Dylan isn't crying it gives us a chance to talk a bit before he gets to school.  After school we are able to recap the day before homework or TV or whatever he gets into when he gets home.  The weather is also great. It cools off at night, so the mornings are so pleasant.  Everything is green and landscaped beautifully and every direction you look, you can see mountains.  (Not Rocky Mountains, but plenty mountains for a TX girl).  Anyways, in the morning after I drop Dylan off I have been trying to find me a route to walk to get a bit of exercise before returning home.  (Garth bought me the coolest stroller.  Anyone with little ones needs it.)  So yesterday, I tried a new route but decided it wasn't long enough.  Today I got ambitious and went a different way.  It kicked my rear and I wasn't even running.  It is very hilly here so about the time you get confident a hill rears its ugly head.  Nevertheless, I think I will attempt it again tomorrow.  

We have found a great church - Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship.  It is set in the wine country of Temecula.  The backdrop of the stage is windows so often I find myself watching the butterflies or humming birds fly among the foliage.  The pastor is a wonderful teacher.  He teaches verse by verse.  I thought I wouldn't like it or get much out of it at first, but I have to say I was wrong.  I am learning so much and really enjoy grasping a better understanding if God's Word, the Bible. Besides really why would it be boring, it is the LIVING Word of God.  I am really praying that I will grow in the Lord during this time in Cali.  It has really been on my heart the last little while to learn to die to me and be open to Him.  Yuck!!  But, I do want that to be my heart's DESIRE.  So, I will continue to pray about that subject and watch the Lord work.  Got off on a tangent - sorry.   The Women's Bible study starts back up in October and I am looking forward to attending it.  Hopefully that will be a way to get better plugged in and meet people.

My sister called me last night to let me know they had booked flights to come visit us.  They are coming the end of September.  I am so excited.  It is also humbling to know they are willing to spend the money and take the time to come and see us.  I know the boys will really enjoy the visit.  They love their Blake and Nissy 0r as Jaydon calls them Gay or Gake and Issy.  How could they not -- they are great and we love them dearly.  

Well that's all the rambling I have for now.  It is a great outlet to speak my mind when I don't have anyone here to speak it to or want to bore Garth with my nonsense ramblings. 

Thanks for listening.  We love and miss you all.

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